More Morkie Mularkie Robeson does seem to have a fetish for ****
K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote More Mularkie:
K4YZ wrote:
an old freid to some a nightmare to parents with children wrote:
more libel
yes it is libel
K4YZ wrote:
The FACTS are that you made yet another idiotic statement in public
directly due to your incompetence in your English skills!
nope the facts are you have been caught in lie and will do or say
anything to avoid the truth
No lie has been stated by me, nor have I been caught in one.
sure you have
More lible by you.
not when it is true steve
one is your statement that my wife is male
What lie?
that statement is lie
Prove me wrong.
sue me and you find out the truth on that score
Take the picture, fatboy...Or don't and prove me RIGHT!
your refusaul to support your claims that I am child molestor is
unproven by you so it is lie right
You can "ctu" it all you want to, fatboy, but the fact remains
that "...I am laughing at the "superior intellect"..."
yes indeed you are laughing at the superior intelect
as well as the better man
I am "laughing" at neither, as noted by the "quotation marks"
around the original comments.
yes indeed you are wether you know or not is not an issue I am
concerned with
That ANYone over 6 is a better "man" than you is not in contest.
more libel more cheap insults
It's not "libel" whenn it's true.
it isn't true
I am better man than you
I am more honest than you
Steve, K4YZ