K4YZ wrote:
an Old friend wrote:
been working on this awhile I can veriy thatI attended IUPUI Robeson
can't verify this way that I graduated but that is enough to disprove
the colege dropout crap
No diploma, no picture in a yearbook, no commencment announcement
email only proepl
that have attened the IU system of which IUPUI is part can get these
addresses I can verfiy thwhat you sent
All this means is that you know someone at IU that got the address
for you.
I have several friends at NASA in Huntsville, AL. I bet that with
a bit of fenegalling he could get me, at least temporarily, an e-mail
like "k4yz @ nasa.gov". Does THAT make ME a rocket scientist?
so do you feel lucky punk
I am plenty lucky, Mork, and YOU are the punk!
And no diploma, no picture in a yearbook, no commencment
announcement means NO GRADUATION!
Steve, K4YZ
check the website out
you have been offered evidence you refuse to take it and accuse the me
of fraud while refusing to to act
you are just a Stalker and Gay bashing bigoot that like to didsh it out
but can not take even the truth inturn
contact IU see if what they say
I refuse to provid more than I choose to provide
the emaill adressas stated proves I attended the school ofr that
someone that jlikes me well enough to vilate state law which would
disporve your asertion I have no friends at all (although truely I ws
not going THERE) but t either onsome of you r statements ae poven a lie
if the addy exists
The trth being it disproves your assertion I am a high school droppout
that I never went to college
that I am an idoit is alsoe disporoeven when you look over IU adission
with the way your psotions hold together proving one lies as I have
done breaks down your whole world
with MR Hojnacki's help I offer prove that you have lied about
My wife not being female
not being my wife for that matter
I suspect he also can tell you that if you were to enage him politely
that IF Illopolis' now jailed cheif of police had any hint of evidence
that I was a child molestor they would have arrested me
hell the cops tried to aresst HIM for having the wrong kind of lincse
plate on the the moving truck I bought but finaly could not becuase it
had been issued by the state (although they did blow it by doing so)
I have given you the means
By your standards the MATTER is proven
YOU are lying about many things