day 216 of Robeson wild lies to sport his libel
well another passes where Robeson could choose to being to stop the
wave f filth he and his confedaertates have unleased on the web
instead he choose to try and take a stament out of context to support
his wil libel that My wife is male, his false charge that I am child
Yes I am werey of this but given the choice is the loss my freedom I
Robeson has tried to claim that I seek to prevent him from comenting on
my sillines (aludig I think to the fact my first drafts are horible I
am dyslexic a triffle aphasic and frankly not interested enough to give
a dam if I smispell some words) he he free to pointhis none of actions
arederected at stoping that
what I seek by any legal means I can to tstop the dangerous Libel he
spreads he and his confederate Wisemen
none one should be expected to allow unanswered the charge be made that
his wife is male when she is female. Maj Robeson is offered proof of
this, He refuses to accept it. He claims I am highschool drop out
(which would prevented me from serving in the armed force as I have
BTW) he has been offered proo postive that I either attended college or
have friends willing to risktheir employment forme (which disporve his
arrestion that I have no friends and make his game with my by liene
nobodies old friend libel een by his stardards)
this war of terror by the Cap officer Robeson began in 1998 and
continues to this day
in futre I will likely not respond to his posts contents except to
"Make the call send the email admit your lied and lets move one" or
words to that effect