"Reg Edwards" wrote in message
If you are considering a new vertical antenna, instead of guesswork
and copying somebody else's un-thought-out efforts, download program
RADIAL_3 from website below.
The program assists with choosing an economic length and number of
shallow-buried ground radials. It takes a new look at how radials work
by considering them to be lossy, single-wire transmission lines,
open-circuit at the other end.
RADIAL_3 is a self contained file, 55 kilibytes. Easy to use. No
training needed. Download in a few seconds and run immediately.
.................................................. .........
Regards from Reg, G4FGQ
For Free Radio Design Software go to
.................................................. .........
That is quite a bold statement and looks like trivilializing, ignoring the
real workings of vertical antennas and radials!
What would NEC4 say?
73 Yuri, K3BU