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Old August 28th 03, 11:20 PM
Jim Hampton
Posts: n/a


This is one reason we have problems attracting newcomers. The incessant
flames. The fact is once you mention "tubes", folks should realize that the
thing may indeed not be well tuned. I'm trying to think if it is the GE
Master II ... but it is a VHF rig and the cavities used to grow "crystals"
in 'em and detune 'em. One guy showed me a quick way to fix it (yes, you
can go in with a q-tip). He picked the radio up and banged it on the bench
about 3 or 4 times. Suddenly, it no longer took 4 uV to get a decent
signal. It was down to 0.25 uV. I did have to clean my shorts out the
first time I saw it, however

I was given an old SP-600 which had been under salt water for a brief period
of time (I got the radio in 1968). I ended up replacing most of the
components in the whole front end as it could barely receive local broadcast
stations. It worked fine after I did that, but it was a real mess. Easier
to buy a new receiver these days (prices are reasonable and if you figure my
time, I was probably making about twenty five cents per hour fixing that
slug!). Of course, that was back in the late 60s. Figure a grand buck and
a half an hour in today's wages It was a good learning experience,

73 from Rochester, NY


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