Telamon wrote:
In article , adam
Is it just me or does VOA give you the ****s?
Speaking for myself the drive by media does that for me.
I was listening to it and it was NOTHING BUT PROPERGANDA all the
time, other than the sports section.It was sport and then "how the
spread of democracy is help fighting the war on terror" or some such
**** i promptly turn the dial, it makes me want to throw the radio
out of the window.There programs make a mockery of there slogan on
there site "a trusted source of news" it has got worse since bush has
come to power.
It is so bad that the radio station in Australia (ABC newsradio) that
mainly takes programs from overseas sources (i.e DW radio,RNW etc
etc)doesnt take ANY VOA programs its main american radio program is
sourced from NPR.
Rant over
Propaganda is the REASON VOA or any other government run station is on
the air. Australia and other nations have their own brand of propaganda.
It has always been this way.
Ventura, California
Telamon - True and the simple fact is :
Governmental International Shortwave Broadcasting 'is'
all about Getting-Your-Message-Out 'to' The World [.]
Actually at times it seem (to me) that the VOA goes
beyond fair-and-balanced -and- actually sounds like it
is apologizing for BEING "The Voice of America" !
I listen to Deutsche Wella (DW) to hear News from Germany
with a German and European 'perspective'.
I listen to "Radio Habana Cuba {RHC} to hear the News from
Castro's Cuba with a Communist and Anti-America 'perspective'.
- - - Include Radio China Radio International (CRI) and
The Voice of {North} Korea to this 'perspective'.
I listen to "The BBC" to hear News from "The UK" with
an English and America's Closest Allie 'perspective'.
- - - Down this list are Radio Canada International (RCI);
Radio Australia (ABC) and Radio New Zealand (RNZ)
I listen to Radio Japan (NHK World) to hear News from
Japan and Asia with a far-side of the Pacific 'perspective'.
- - - Include Radio Taiwan; Radio {South} Korea and
the Radio Philippines to this 'perspective'.
FINALLY - I Listen To The Voice of America (VOA) To Hear :
What We Americans Are Saying About Ourselves To The World !
yes it is that simple ~ RHF