Old Microphone Connector
In article .com,
KE9EX wrote:
A co-worker here at the Radio Pier brought in an odd mic connector and
asked me if I knew
the formal name for it. I answered it was a "mic connector on 50-year
old Ham Radios".
Specifically, it was the type that had a dot of solder in the middle,
and a screw-on ring.
This one was made by Switchcraft. Our chief called it an "Amphenol
Mini". I didn't find one in the Switchcraft catalog, but maybe didn't
look hard enough. Was there a more specific
title for this connector? TNX es 73 de KE9EX
What diameter was it?
If it was about 5/8" or so, it's an Amphenol 75 MC1 connector. They
were used often for crappy unbalanced high-Z microphone inputs on all
kinds of gear, as well as occasionally for headphones.
There was also a miniature version, the 75 PC1, which is about a quarter
inch, and was used for recorder control and for synch signals for motion
picture recording gear.
Switchcraft had both of them in the catalogue as late as 1990 or so,
which is the last time I went looking for them. Connector-World Supply
in Seattle definitely stocks them.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."