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Old July 23rd 06, 05:06 AM posted to,,,
an_old_friend an_old_friend is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
Posts: 1,554
Default If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die?

Al Klein wrote:
On 22 Jul 2006 12:45:02 -0700, "

Al Klein wrote:
On 22 Jul 2006 09:02:12 -0700, "an old friend"

Part of that code is honesty. How honest is it to memorize answers to
a test?

absolutely and conpletely honest

By taking the test you're claiming that you understand the questions
and know the answers. By memorizing the answers you're not learning
enough to understand the questions.

no, one is claiming they can pass the test

which is the only requirement

But I wouldn't expect you to understand what "honesty" means.

I do know what honesty means and you don't employ it

how balanced is to to place CW over all over ham knowledge?

No one is, any more than by requiring people to know the law one is
putting the law "over all ham knowledge"

you certainly are

but no one is required to know the law at all merely happpening to obey
it is enough

the current system place CW over all over modes combined any statement
to the contary is dishonest

How progressive is it?

How progressive is it to not require people to know ... oh, yeah,
that's progressive, since the new thing is to hand out licenses
because people have some kind of "right" to get on the air.

try that agin is english if you please

best I can make out is another of your snide (and unfreindly and
illcosidered) slaps at newer ops that have obeyed the rules

how loyal is it to denny the nation the benifits of allowing more

What "benefits" does the country get from more people using radios who
don't know the first thing about them? (Whatever "denny" means.)

you statement makes no sense since obviously anyone that has a radio
and can turn it on knows at least the first thing ,if he/she can get on
the air he know a few more

to aquire the expence needed to truely work on hf

You don't acquire knowledge (which is what's needed) by playing with a

knowledge is needed why? It is helpfull I grant you but needed vs
well that is Bull**** I know more I supect about radio and RF than you
having studied EM waves and their proerty at the College level and yet
this knowledge is only mildly usefull if I am on the HF bands as I
often am for Feild day or something to be a more effective operator I
need expernce at HF not knowledge of circuts

how patriotic is it to keep a staion forom aquiing the skill to be
ready for service to conutry and community?

How does playing CB on the ham bands give one "the skill to be
ready for service to conutry and community"?

what is playing CB mean? other than then pejoritive
Or any skill, other than
getting what you want?

babble all you like
You don't acquire skill by doing something
that requires no skill.

so you are claiming this is NO skill in passing traffic at HF I think I
could find people that woluld disagree with you
And you, particularly, don't acquire
knowledge by demanding something for nothing.

no knowledge is aquired by learning Morse Code certainly no secert of
the unverse is derived for it

No one is suggesting that ANYONE be given something for nothing
but it is a requirement of law that restictions in access to PUBLIC
reasources must be reasonable in nature

knowledge of Morse code is not realected to prevelegdes it brings ask
the Armmy how many CW opperators it uses in routine affairs, the answer
is zero (intel is not for this prupose routine nor is specail ops)