Wolfgang Fartbubble wrote in news:T6Rwg.10251
Hi all, can you help me on this problem please?
My friend who lives not to far off from me has his PC`s wired up to the
Internet via wireless, this includes mouse, keyboard, and of course
The neighbour who lives next door has a 14 element Yagi 2 mtr beam on
his roof alongside other antenna.
Since this has been put up every time it is switched on and operated (I
would think) it knocks out the wireless Internet and mouse and keyboard.
And also the telephones that are also wireless. (I think they are the
digital type)
Is there any thing that can be done?
He has approached the neighbour but he wont have any of it and simply
will not listen.
This has only happend since all the equipment has been installed on the
Hmmmmm........ What bands does your friends equipment use? From the
information you have given, you have no reason to select the ham next door
as the cause, other than he has a 2 meter antenna on his property. The
equipment in your freinds own home could be part of the problem. e.g. If
the cordless phones are 2.4 Ghz they could be killing the Internet
connection whenever the phone rings. The mouse and keyboard could be
bluetooth devices and they also work in the same band. Then there is the
possibiltiy that someone in the neighbourhood also has a wireless network
running on the same channel, or 2.4Ghz cordless phones and that could be
the cause of some of his grief. It requires much more investigation that
you seem to have done before you can say the guy with the ham antenna is
the cause. Two meters is a long way from the ISM 2.4Ghz band. It would be
highly unlikely that equipment in the 2 meter band would interfere with
2.4 Ghz equipment.
I am also surprised the ham is being uncooperative, but if he was
approached in an adversarial manner, that could explain it. I'm sure he is
well aware that the devices of which you speak are Part 15 and that he
does not have any obligation to mitigate the problem even if he is the
cause. Most hams would at least help investigate the problem if nothing to
clear his good name.
You can use Netstumbler to check for orther networks in the neighbourhood.
Download it from:
Install and run it on a wirelessly connected computer (preferably a
laptop), It will very quickly show what wireless networks are around the
location. You might be amazed at how many there are !!!
Hope it helps a bit.