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Old September 7th 03, 05:05 PM
Alan Beagley
Posts: n/a

You'd have to pick a filter that uses the same IF frequency. Different
Icom rigs use different frequencies.

What about listening to AM broadcasts using LSB or USB mode?

Alan AB2OS

On 09/06/03 05:10 pm Leland C. Scott put fingers to keyboard and
launched the following message into cyberspace:

Does anybody know of a 5 or 6 KHz wide AM filter
for the Icom 706mkiig rig? The standard 8 KHz
filter is way too wide. Somebody once suggested
using a filter from another Icom rig and plugging
it in to one of the unused optional filter slots
in the 706. Has anybody done this, and if so does
it work?