That radio (TH-F6A) would be a good companion HT for a crossband repeat
(CBR) capable rig, but is not in itself a crossband repeater. That is,
it can work crossband split (TX on one band, RX on another) where one
one function is done at a time, but it can't receive on one band while
simultaneously transmitting on the other.
Typical example: You're on a SAR mission in a valley. You can hear the
2-M repeater fine, but can't reach it with your HT. If you had a CBR
capable rig in your car (like the IC-2720H or TM-V7A), you could set it
to receive on UHF simplex and simultaneously transmit on the 2-M
repeater's input frequency.
You set the HT to listen on the 2-M repeater frequency, but have it set
to transmit on UHF when you key up. When you key the HT it's now
talking to your mobile CBR and the CBR is hitting the 2-M repeater on
it's input frequency with 50 watts. When you unkey, the CBR stops
transmitting (no input on its UHF side) and your HT is hearing the repeater.
This is one simple example. There are more cpmplex setups, but then we
have to start talking about ID requirements!!!
Icom has a "must read" document on crossbanding at:
It's an old reprint from QST, but lots of good data that still applies.
HTH, 73
Paul (N0KIA)
On Mon, 08 Sep 2003 13:54:23 -0400, wrote:
I was told that one can set up the Icom IC-2720H as a sort of a
"remote base" or cross-band repeater, so that I can use my 440-MHz HT
to talk to the IC-2720H and have my transmission repeated on 2 meters,
with the received signal on 2 meters repeated back to me on 440.
Others have told me that radios like one of the Alinco HTs can also do
Does anyone know if you can do this with the Kenwood TH-F6A? There's
nothing I can find in the manual about it but there may be some kind
of undocumented procedure as with the IC-2720H.