Decent Radio/Noiseblocker?
Hey hey.
I've tried 3 different radios, Midland 1001z (cheapest), some Uniden
pro 510, and a cobra 75 wx (handheld type with "soundtracker".).
All of them for the most part sounded as good as the cheapest Midland
1001z. I'm looking for any recommendations on any radios that might
have a noiseblocker which might help reduce some of my fuel pump noise,
and powerline noise concerns that I have. I'm taking back the Cobra,
and debating whether or not to get the cheaper midland again, or if
there's some whiz bang radio that someone recommends.
Preferably one with a P.A.
BTW, The Midland 1001Z is *AWESOME* for the price. I bought mine for
40$ but I've seen them online for 20$ + S&H. PA, RF Gain, Squelch (of
course). Small compact size. The speaker on it is awesomely loud and
clear. Sounded much better than the Uniden 510 (Their cheaper/cheapest
model). The case on the midland is grounded. I was UNABLE to power up
by grounding the outside case..
Just a weird observation.