I found a comment in google groups about changing the crystal in the
Cobra 148 GTL radio
http://groups.google.com/group/rec.r...719754 5990ad
Plase, I apreciate too much a respose to this questions:
1.- In the comment say:
"...For every 0.150 Mhz increase in freq of this Crystal you will get a
450Khz increase in operating freq..."
QUESTION: What is the minimum operating frecuency that I can reach
changing the X3 crystal ? 25Mhz, 20Mhz, 15 Mhz, 10Mhz, 7Mhz.
2.- About "...retune the Mixer coil..." how I can do that? (an url may
be usefull to read about that)
3.- About "...retune the Mixer coil..." is realated with the voice look
or 10khz steps ? what will be the bad functioning in the radio if I can
not retune de mixer coil.
Thanks a lot