Microstrip dimension
Nope...the stuff I have IS paper thin. Very flexible. Bought it to use
on upper UHF and into the microwaves. I didn't measure it with a
micrometer, but I will do that later and report back...
Tim Wescott wrote:
Scott wrote:
Question: Does anybody know how to calculate the width of a 50 Ohm
microstrip line on Arlon PTFE circuit board (Type GX-0065-45-11). It
is 0.0065" thick, double sided and has a k=2.45. Looking at my chart,
it looks like I leave the bottom as complete copper groundplane and
take off all copper around stripline on the top side of the board and
leave the stripline as 0.0195" wide? That doesn't sound very wide!!
.0065 is paper thin, possibly less.
1/16 inch is 0.063 -- did you slip a digit?