Not Cocksucker Lloyd wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
dave hell posts pics of his skank!
you're as sick as the ****ing tard,davey!
What's the matter with you, Roger? Are you just not able to deal with
your demons?
What's the matter, fatassed Davey, can't handle the truth?
You're so out of touch with the concept of truth that you have no
concept of reality, little sociopath. There is not one ounce of
goodness inside of you. If you'd like to discuss it, be sure to attend
next Monday's ARES meeting. I'm so looking forward to seeing you there.
Your ex streetwalking wife probably turnsd tricks at the mall bathrooms
d\uring her lunch hour.
"D\uring"? What happened to your wife, Roger? What about your
children? How did it come to pass that on the day of your adoptive
Mother's funeral, you were posting filth on the internet?
We can discuss it after the ARES meeting if you like.
Why would he, he's not a member of ARES, you hiding behind a woman,
He's/your not? I guess your ID card expired. You'll have the
opportunity to obtain a new one on Monday. I'm not hiding behind a
woman, a front door or anyone, Roger. In your heart of hearts, you're
fully aware of that. I don't know of a single soul who is intimidated
by you.
Who would you hide behind at the meeting your fatassed lover
I don't think Bert will be attending so you'll have plenty of
opportunity for discussion with me. I promise to give you my full
attention. I'm looking forward to our chat.
Dave K8MN