Tree + Dipole
Well I hate all of you cross posting kooks.
Anyways, back onto subject.
I constructed a dipole out of coax, seperated the shield/outer braid
from the center wire (left the insuluation on the center wire). Each
length is about 104". I tried this horizontally on my porch, horrible
(5+SWR), picked up TONS of noise from busy channels (S8) while S1 on
non busy channels, and just generally didn't work well.
(My porch space was limited, and my porch is about 10 feet above
ground, so I was experimenting).
I tried the antenna diagnolly, Stetched out (Like a verticle, just 45
degrees sideways). SWR dropped down to 1.8, couldn't get out.
Finally tied this thing up to a tree, suspended by cord (it was dark,
so i just threw it up quickly). The bottom of the antenna just touches
ground. SWR of about 4. I'm hoping to drop the SWR more by raising it
even higher