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Old August 3rd 06, 12:04 PM posted to
K4YZ K4YZ is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 454
Default Holy Smokes! Someone Who Actually Did Thier Homework And Said It Effectively!

K4YZ wrote:.

Not really...Toiddie couldn't put this many correctly spelled and
properly punctuated words together to save his life!

an old freind wrote:
an old friend wrote:

You still are a stalking lisping ####sucker I see.
you just confessed to being there woger just admitted to being a internet stalker. duly noted
for your isp,fag-toid.
nope I admitted I was logged in t2 or more webstie at the same time
that isn't stlaking it is just multi tasking

I do a lot of that

you have a reservation in hell, faggot.

The word "fag" is a contraction of the word "faggot" (or, "fagot").
When traced through its etymological history, the word "faggot" simply
means "a bundle of sticks used as fuel." See and (where such words as "fuel" and "brimstone" are used as
synonyms). "Scholars" can't decide when such a word began to be used in
reference to homosexuals, so we'll give the answer he "I have
overthrown some of you, as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, and ye
were as a firebrand plucked out of the burning: yet have ye not
returned unto me, saith the Lord." Amos 4:11. The word translated
"firebrand" is the Hebrew word "uwd," which comes from a Hebrew verb
meaning "to rake together" (or, "to gather together"). In short, the
Hebrew word "uwd" is talking about burning sticks of wood that are
gathered together. That is what the English word "faggot" means. Amos
4:11 could just as easily be translated " were as a faggot plucked
out of the burning..."

This makes a lot of sense when one remembers that in the 40's and
50's, a "fag" was a "smoke"..A cigarette...A "burning stick"....

For those geniuses out there who are asking, "are you saying that God
hates burning pieces of wood?", the answer is "no, we're using it as a
figure of speech, just like the Bible uses it." It is an excellent
metaphor to describe sodomites because they fuel God's wrath, they burn
in lust, and they will burn in hell. In Amos 4:11, the "fag" is the
person who is sinning after the manner of Sodom and Gomorrah, has seen
other "fags" overthrown by God, and still refuses to repent. So, the
word "fag" refers to people who sin like the Sodomites did. It not only
refers to homosexuals, but also refers to people who support
homosexuals (see Romans 1:32), and people who engage in all other
relatively "lesser" perversions (like impenitent premarital sex and
adultery, including the adultery of all of you divorced-and-remarried
"born again Christians"). On this web site, we use the word "fag" in
accordance with Amos 4:11.

For those of you who have deluded yourselves into thinking that the
story of Sodom isn't really talking about homosexuals, read the
following: the people of Sodom and Gomorrah had completely turned away
from God, and whenever that happens, homosexuality abounds. Paul
described this in Romans 1, and you can read the story of Sodom and
Gomorrah in Genesis 19. Conditions in Sodom were so bad that it had
become acceptable for men to surround Lot's house and ask to have sex
with the men inside. Anybody who thinks that today is any different
than those days needs to attend San Francisco's annual gay rights
parade, stand along the parade route, and hold a sign that says "GOD
HATES FAGS." You'll see and hear evidence of all of the sins of Sodom
in just a few short hours (sodomy, violence, fornication, adultery,
pride, sinful treatment of the servants of God, etc.) The same mob
mentality that ruled the unlawful fags in the days of Sodom rules the
unlawful fags today.

Well...If global warming doesn't thin the herd, AIDS and other
social diseases will.

Well done. Bravo.

Steve, K4YZ