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Old September 22nd 03, 07:55 AM
Harvey White
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 22:38:02 -0500, "Ken Luther"


Can I use one of those cheap ol' Walmart power strips to as an isolation
transfomer (I need to work on my TS-940), or will I need to get a real
isolation transformer to prevent a ground loop.

A power strip is NOT an isolation device at all. You want to use a
transformer that completely isolated primary and secondary windings.

depends on how the rig is powered, but with a standard 3 wire plug,
you only need an isolation transformer if the chassis can be raised
above ground level. In something as sophisticated as ham radio gear,
where the chassis IS connected to ground, I'm not sure why you'd need

If you need one, though, it's really cheap insurance.

Mostly needed in cheap TV sets and AC/DC radios, where the chassis is
directly grounded to the neutral of the AC line.


The reason I ask, is that about 15 years ago while in tech school, one of my
buddies was working on a TV (NOT plugged in to an isolation transformer)
using an OScope (NOT plugged it to an isolation transformer, either), and
boy was he really suprised when that probe scratched against the chassis on
the tv set.
