an old freind wrote yet another silly little story:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend continues to humilate himself in public:
Slow Code wrote:
"an old feind" wrote in
Dont hope brake failure on somebodys car.What if their frakes failed
and they ran into your boy/girl friend?
that would be a good poit exept that Wismen the nutjob and sicko
wishingsuch a fate on me has no freinds male or female or otherwise
except imaginary ones and they are safe from such a fate
There is absolutely NO friggen way you could have past the ham radio
written exam Markie, No Way. You must have gave the V.E. a blowjob or
they got the answer sheets mixed up.
nope nobody failed that day...(SNIP)
I am sure it was money well spent, Morkie.
more libel Robeson
if Idid that why not bribe past the code test too?
Perhaps because the VE's are something you aren't...
you lies don't hang together
What lies?
(UNSNIP)...and I took and passed the general test for
a CSSE and no one else even took such an exam that day
What's a CSSE, Mork?
"(C)an't (S)uccessfully (S)pell in (E)nglish"
the written test are fairly...(SNIP)
Are "fairly" what, Mork?
Finish your sentences, fatboy.
I see you STILL haven't finished that sentence, Mork.
"...fairly" what?
(UNSNIP) insist they are yourself (wether they
are too easy is point we disagree but not that they are easy)
you are simply stupid enough to think you can jusdge a persons
intelegence for their first drafts esp when someone has dyslexia and
We can judge YOUR posts since you claim expertise in English and
Computer Science but obviously can't employ simple spell checking
software or proof read your work before you hit the "send" button.
I am lazy as you have said
Probably, but worse yet is that you're a fool.
but you insist on libeling and insiting it more than that
What you have is a double dose of big mouth compounded by a dose
of maniacal ego.
you are nut job you lcaim thtat EME work ca't be don during certian
phases of the MOON
My bd on wrong phraseology, but then YOU are the one who claims
it's OK to use whatever definition you are to use irrespective of
common application, Morkie.
Are you now recanting that since it bit YOU on the butt?
no need for much to pass with a degree is Physics and MS Geophysics
(and I specailize in Sesmic wave propagation BTW which is not al
toghter unlike RF prop in its math)
What's "sesmic wave propagation", Morkie?
Where's those three college degrees at, Morkie?
You're sure not using them here!
no need
not with the crap you are using for a brain
YOU'RE the one with crap for a brain...By alleging those degrees
when it's painfully apparent that the allegations are not truthful.
Steve, K4YZ