On Mon, 22 Sep 2003 00:52:49 -0500, Scott Schrader
if you are servicing hot-chassis equipment, It Is INCUMBENT that you
power it through an isolation transformer to avoid becoming worm bait.
nothing else is safe.
the other way to say that is you don't use one, you die and/or burn the
place down and also kill the gear you're working on.
I got a nice 500-watter from a surplus outfit for $40 a couple months
ago. forget the name of the joint, something like skyline surplus just
outside cape canaveral. google for it, or do a search on slashdot,
which is where I got twigged to it.
Skycraft surplus. They're in Orlando, about 1 1/2 hours west of
Nice place.
you will also find this is an item that surplus stores can't keep in
stock, so they keep making deals and offering them. there is no good
reason except having way more money than you can bear to spend several
hundred dollars for one with a test-equipment company name on it.
Ken Luther wrote:
Can I use one of those cheap ol' Walmart power strips to as an isolation
transfomer (I need to work on my TS-940), or will I need to get a real
isolation transformer to prevent a ground loop.
The reason I ask, is that about 15 years ago while in tech school, one of my
buddies was working on a TV (NOT plugged in to an isolation transformer)
using an OScope (NOT plugged it to an isolation transformer, either), and
boy was he really suprised when that probe scratched against the chassis on
the tv set.
-- If it's a "new economy," why do they want my obsolete old money?