You Reap What You Sew, Morkie No robeson I am reapig what you and wismen have sown
K4YZ wrote:
an old friend whined to no one person in particular:
well done nice fakes I suppose you are pleased I am glad at least some
of the station have confirmed that Ow orked them by email and are
anxoius to confrim what I need to for a qsl card
For what?
for an eme contact what else
of course in a couple of those cases I supose the email traffic could
be faked as well
but since my staion should be able to EME I expect I have some real
stations in there
Is it REALLY too much to ask to ask you to work on your English
composition, Mork, and to try to organize your thoughts a bit
the result are what you seem to be after when you enage in daily libel
and harrassemnt steve a guy gets a bit frazzled when you contsatnt
attack him
I shall see
and My wife wants to thank you for really making a good impression of
Ham radio
Was she party to your EME fiasco? Was her callsign in there?
one is it a faisco I don't know yet I just know some of thhe calls were
faked and some weren't
of course she ws involved siting at my side helping me log them sharing
the joy
I will use the buro to try and qsl all the forgein contacts I have not
decided what to do about the domestic stations
Again...more irrational whinings.
However, is it REALLY unexpected that you should brag about some
"accomplishment" in this flamefest newsgroup...the SAME flamefest
newsgroup where you have ALSO repeatedly bragged about your "policy"
about LYING, and then not expect that someone would doubt you...?!??!
what has that got to do with some ham bootlegging 50 call signs in
violation of t FCC regs
Are you even REMOTELY getting the message here that LYING,
especially BRAGGING ABOUT LYING, is ALWAYS a bad thing, Mork?
No the message I am geting is that you have no honnor by any standard I
have ever seen
I did not lie about eme contacts at all
therefore I did not brag about lying indeed I have never braged about
that is another of YOUR libels
I admit that I find nessary to lie at times
and this just reinforces that
Steve, K4YZ