Radio Etiquette
This doesn't really pertain to A.E. members, just radio operators in
general. Years ago, there was a 'Gentlemans Agreement' that AM'ers would
operated on channels 30 and BELOW, and us SSB operators would run channels
31 and ABOVE and things worked out great for all ops. Too bad this
'agreement' has gone out the window these days! I mean...I've heard many
AM'ers with BIG linears running as high as 27. 805 , with most of them
running between channels 34-40 which is really counter-productive to any
decent SSB DX. I actually talked to a guy tonight on channel 36 AM and told
him that he should try LSB instead. Well, we went there and we talked for
quite awhile. Seems he really didn't know too much about sideband, but after
hearing all of the stations he LOVED it. Oh seems that I've gotten
one guy on track. I only have about a million more to go!