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Old August 6th 06, 07:22 PM posted to,alt.military.cap
an old friend an old friend is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
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Default You Reap What You Sew, Morkie...And Morkie Admits To Lying About His EME Again! (See Bottom of Post) No such admisin made

K4YZ wrote:
an old freind contnues his pattern of cheating, lying and deceiving:
K4YZ wrote:
an old friend whined to no one person in particular:

well done nice fakes I suppose you are pleased I am glad at least some
of the station have confirmed that Ow orked them by email and are
anxoius to confrim what I need to for a qsl card

For what?

for an eme contact what else

What EME contact?

the one Ithink I made

According to comments you've made in another thread, it's only ONE
QSO, and even then you're not sure.

no I said there is ONE I am certain of there are 4 more I beleive
highly likely

in addtion havingnread todays email I believe 3 or more of the
contacts are likely Metor Scatter rather than EME I adknowedge the

So what's the truth?

Indeed thanks to the effort of another I don't exactly what the truth
is in this matter

after all it apears Wisemen and DAavies agree that I have been spoofed
a either a bot or another ham playing creul games with me.

anytime those 2 apeer to agree Gods knows what is up Indeed I have
decided it is time to look for the messaih's to arive very soon just in

of course in a couple of those cases I supose the email traffic could
be faked as well
but since my staion should be able to EME I expect I have some real
stations in there


Is it REALLY too much to ask to ask you to work on your English
composition, Mork, and to try to organize your thoughts a bit

the result are what you seem to be after when you enage in daily libel
and harrassemnt steve a guy gets a bit frazzled when you contsatnt
attack him

Who get's frazzled, Mork?

Not YOU...?!?!

Gee, Mork...I can do 12 hours in the ER and still come home and
type rational sentences with an absolute minimum of typos...Yet you
DON'T work and spend your welfare checks laid up in front of the
computer all day, yet you STILL can't seem to get enough typing
practice to even LOOK rational, let alone act it!

back on your libel of welfare fraud again?

I shall see

and My wife wants to thank you for really making a good impression of
Ham radio


Was she party to your EME fiasco? Was her callsign in there?

one is it a faisco....(SNIP)

What's a "faisco", fatboy? Some upper penninsula bar-b-que fare?

I don't know yet I just know some of thhe calls were
faked and some weren't
of course she ws involved siting at my side helping me log them sharing
the joy

The joy of what? You didn't do anything?

steve I certainly believed I was making EME contacts

making contact is supposed to be fun ? isn't it?

I thought I was achieveing someone I have dreamed since became a ham.

I was Happy and joyous and bouncing off the ceiling since I thought it
was happening and going very well at that

"She" must be REALLY easy to keep entertained, fatboy...No wonder
"she" married a putz like you... ! ! !

you truly have no coutesy Steve none at all

hell even some those that Ihave serious crossed blades with in here
have offered their condolneces for daring to believe that what appeared
to be happening was not realy happening

you can't even show that much humanity

I will use the buro to try and qsl all the forgein contacts I have not
decided what to do about the domestic stations

Again...more irrational whinings.

However, is it REALLY unexpected that you should brag about some
"accomplishment" in this flamefest newsgroup...the SAME flamefest
newsgroup where you have ALSO repeatedly bragged about your "policy"
about LYING, and then not expect that someone would doubt you...?!??!

what has that got to do with some ham bootlegging 50 call signs in
violation of t FCC regs

Your lying about them in this forum does not constitute a
violation of FCC rules and regulations, Mork.

agreed it being done however does

It makes you LOOK stupid, but then no more than you already do!

you coments make you look like the bitter old loser all those you call
the "Feeble Five" have been calling you for years

Are you even REMOTELY getting the message here that LYING,
especially BRAGGING ABOUT LYING, is ALWAYS a bad thing, Mork?

No the message I am geting is that you have no honnor by any standard I
have ever seen

Then you've NEVER seen ANY standard, Mork, because the only thing
we have from YOU is your deceit, your acknowledgement of creating
deceit, and your bragging about deceit.

what deceit I made what I thought were contacts
my mistake was anouncing my plans where my foes could read about them

I also was mistaken in thinking they might show any respect for a real

I did not lie about eme contacts at all

Obviously you did.

no I told no lie in the EME matter

I set up a staion that should be able to do EME per the advice of
several websites
there is one and line quoited from that webstie
"Do you have a directional antenna, a 2m SSB transceiver with 50 W
output and a PC?"

I lined up a 100w 2m ssb unit a 13b2 anteena I obviously have a pc and
went went and trired it

indeed my first few nights I struggled wait and receveied for my effort
one contact each night for more than an hours effort. Those contacts I
will seek to confrim, then I started geting some more with less effort
I was geting the hang of it was all then thing went realy well

I related the events as I belived they unfolded

therefore I did not brag about lying indeed I have never braged about

that is another of YOUR libels



I admit that I find nessary to lie at times

and this just reinforces that

What's been "reinforced" here, Mork, is your reputation as a liar.

perhaps with you

but it prooves to me beyond all doubt that lying a generaly the best

That's why when you posted something that vaguely looked like
"real" radio stuff, NO ONE BELEIVED YOU!

did no one believe me?

I think even Dave believed me.

I know from my email thata few people Lukers that have never beleived
anythigng I typed on here have said they now believe

of course you will likely now clai m it was part of my plans in the
first place

but were that the case I certainly could not be the idoit you claim

That's why I can keep typing posts "Mor Morkie Mularkie" and don't
EVER have to sweat you being able to bring a REAL "libel" charge...

Stve you type Mulake all day it is not the titles you would be sued for

it is the contents of your posts that will get you sued if I can manage


neame calling is not actionable libel you claims and refusal to retart
your claims and my being a hildmolestor I believe are

Steve, K4YZ