Not Cocksucker Lloyd wrote:
an old freind wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an old freind continues to try and hide his illegally claimed EME
nothing ilegal about being the vitctum of fraud Steve
So you admit your contacts are fraudulent!
Oh, he did that a couple days ago, but tried to hide it as "some
jammer bots" doing it to him...Yeah...right...
you just added a whole libel
You are dumber than a rock.
He's certainly lower than a rock.
Whata great group of guys!!
No Bounce wrote:
On 3 Aug 2006 14:50:26 -0700, an old freind wrote:
NO9GL wrote:
After RAT*******S at arrl revealed lots of bootleg stations are faking
moon bounce by useing qrp transmitters and sending faked calls, that
means most moonbnce QSOs are bogus. We discusing how to tell bogus
bounced signals from real bounced signals so contacts count. Join us
in usual place starting 23:00 UTC.
crap snipped including newsgroup added by kb9rqz
You have been taken in by the oldest scam in ham radio. Your logs
mean nothing because you never did moonbounce after all and just
talked to a guy with a 100 mw qrp rig somewheres nearby. We are all
laughing at you.
the realy csadistic part is I laso have received emails from some the
staion confirming some of the contacts but far from all of them
What will be sadistic is YOU sending THEM a QSL card.
how so?
You really are stupid.
In spades.
Let the guy who made those QSO's for you do it. It's a fraud
coming from you.
well accusing me of fraud is more libel steve
Nope, you lied about them in the first place.
and make up your mind
first the QSO's never happened then you claim somebody else made 'em
They never did happen, stupid.
who do you sugest made em My wife well you used the male pronoun to
refer to a female in that case
Your wife is a shemale.
Actually, knowing what Mork looks like, I think that calling his
"wife" a "shemale" is givng a bad rap to real shemales everywhere.
my delimia beomce...(SNIP)
you are obessed with wieght steve
It sure does bother you.
It bothers everyone...that's why he does it.
I have seen what you claim is a recet picture you have no room to tlak
about fat
But you ae a fat ######, Markie.
And Morkie's suggestion that I am fat is yet one more reason to
keep him on the "Don't Trust With A Glass Of Water" list.
do I try to confrim theese conacts some of which I
supect are legit when I can am sure that some of them are NOT
Any of them with YOUR callsign on them are bogus, fatboy, and
everyone knows it.
nope you are lying there
you know nothing of the sort
You are sure defensive about it.
I am sure that the word about Morkie will make the EME-circles
before long. He's already made it an issue to cross post to other
"VHF-UHF" NG's so I am sure they will blackball this idiot before long.
you think you do but you don't know and neither do I although based on
the pattern they came in in the first pace I belive the first 5 were
deifnately proper ( and I have email from 2 of them which ofcourse
could be fakes since they are forgein station with out email addies in
thier QRZ listing
right now I am locating persons able towrite in the langauges of the
forgien contcts I belive may well be valid and I didate a letter of
explanation, send with my QSL card irc (or 2 and envelope) in the
letter I will ask them to conrifm or expressle deny the the contacts. I
hope the hams overseas will be helpfull to answer such a plea
In 3 other cases now I do claim the contact they are USA calla and 2 of
them have email addies that check out in QRZ claiming and seeking to
confirm contact with me via Metor Scatter . I had not considered this
and frankly am I impressed to three sates to my log without it being by
the EME path I adknowledgeI a made a mistake in claiming them as EME/
I believed them to be at the time. They are however still contacts and
if it were safe to say more I would
Now quit this charade and resume your normal daily NG've beat this pony enough!
no charade
except of course you doing one claiming to be good ham per the
Amateur's code of course
Oh, the irony.
And then some...
Steve, K4YZ