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Old August 7th 06, 12:42 PM posted to
Jan Panteltje Jan Panteltje is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 54
Default Radio Direction Finder

On a sunny day (Mon, 7 Aug 2006 15:44:55 +1000) it happened "brizzy *******"
wrote in

A cheap tracking device can be purchased through one of the following pages. &
I really don't think tracking devices have to be expensive but if you don't
like paying for a good one, then I can provide a very simple 555ic timer
circuit you can use that will cost about $10 to make.
Here is the circuit of a very simple but workable tracking device that I
once used to track a signal to tandy's store in the toowong towers in
Brisbane. Once you learn how to use it, you can track to a square metre. A
hand held radio is the best choice of radio to use with the tracker. This
shop blocked ch 7 for 3 days until I had some free time to go and see where
it was coming from. The same shop did it again some time later and the
culprit lost his job at that location thanks to a night time worker that was
on the ball. The signal was a radio on the shelf connected to power with a
small antenna and a clip lead over the mic insert to hold it on tx.

Thank you, nice circuit!