OK, Josh.. here's the info from the tag: Contract NObsr-39398
s/n 2 :COL
PTO and all modules are Collins.
Josh Rovero wrote:
K3HVG wrote:
I have what may be a few-of-a-kind (or one-of-a-kind) R-392 receiver.
Its 99% the same as a standard R-392 but has a Collins/Navy contract
number. Its s/n 2. The color is also the darker Marine Corps OD paint
and the front panel is held with twist-dogs instead of hex head
screws. The case appears a bit more massive that the others I have..
but same overall size. Its all factory, though. The set works fine.
I've never heard of the Navy/USMC buying/using the GRC-19, but maybe
they did. Or, maybe they just bought receivers to replace the GRC-14?
If anyone's has add'l info and/or interested in the unit, please let
me know. I already have sufficient R-392's for my GRC-19 setups.
de K3HVG
Can you give all the tag info (Manufacturer, contract, etc)?
Tom Marcotte, N5OFF, used to track the contracts/serial numbers
for the R-392. There's a summary page on my R-392 pages,
Take care,