K4YZ wrote:
an old freid to his "in-laws" a nightmare to himself wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an old freind wrote:
Terry Tyler wrote:
Susan Morgan
Mission Hills
Columbus, Ohio
Funny I know no one on earth named Susan Morgan
Thank God she doesn't know you...She'd probably knock over dump
trucks trying to get into a court that could legally change her last
name ASAP.
well then why did you express such shock My wife did not choose to
assume my last Name
So you're ADMITTING that no RESPECTABLE person would do anything
to APPEAR to be related to you! ! ! !
no such admission made
JUST like I said in the FIRST PLACE!
just like you lied in the first place
you lied about the none existance the 214 FA
the FA brigade exitis I have written to to ask about the 47 th
Steve, K4YZ