Especially for Child molester K8MN
Roger Wiseman, posing as " wrote:
Roger Wiseman, posing as "Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
Don't forget the Marshall County ARES meeting this evening at 7:30 PM at
the courthous, Roger.
I shall look forward to seeing you in attendance.
We'll have a frank discussion on a number of issues.
Dave K8MN
STFU you stinking troll!!
now run along and tell that street walker of your's to wash her nasty wouldn't want to be blowing mork by proxy now would
Oh my, that brought forth the expected torrent of filth from your
keyboard, UnWiseman. Dealing with you is almost like watching "The
The possessed Megan character looks like your Finnish ex streetwalker
As I expected, you didn't show up for the ARES meeting.
He's not a member of that organization, why would he show up, stupid?
Davey never lets his lies get around the truth. I corrected your typo
for you.
It just gets better and better, Rog. You, posing as someone else
correct typos that you made posing as yet someone else. Your grip on
reality grows more and more tenuous.
What wasn't so predictable is the news that you've taken
up with the old widower down the road from you. I hear you're at his
place all of the time.
But you claimed none of his neighbors like him.
I noticed that he can't mention this "widower's" name, too.
You noticed that I *didn't* mention the widowers name. Why is his name
important here? Do you want to see it besmirched along with your own
infamous moniker?
I'm told that you don't have a job so you have
Prove Roger dioesn't have a job.
plenty of time to hang out with the old timer. Does he know about your
double life on the internet? Is he your invisible friend?
You claimed he has no frioends and his neighbors didn't like him. Looks
like you lied again. I hear you've been sucking Norm Stenger under his
desk you hang out under there all the time, so you can hide behind him
when your ex-streeetwalker wife isd at the mall. She turns tricks
during her lunch break in the mall's public restrooms.
Wow! You laugh at something you wrote? You're getting desperate.
You'll have to share that with the rest of your personalities.
Dave K8MN