Especially for child molester K8MN
Roger Wiseman, maquerading as " wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
Dave Heil guessing wrong again wrote:
" wrote:
"Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
As I expected, you didn't show up for the ARES meeting.
He's not a member of that organization, why would he show up, stupid?
Davey never lets his lies get around the truth. I corrected your typo
for you.
It just gets better and better, Rog. You, posing as someone else
correct typos that you made posing as yet someone else. Your grip on
reality grows more and more tenuous.
PKB, stalker boy.
PKB? I haven't posed as anyone, much less corrected my own typo while
posing as yet a third person, Rog.
Sure you have, "Stagger."
It is sure that I haven't. So far, you've accused more than four people
of being "Stagger Lee". I post only as myself. Drill it into your
oversized noggin.
You mean like how you spelled "valley" as "velley?"
No, I don't mean that at all. "Frioends"
How about "membership roles"
"yourt" "meber" "streeetwalker"
What wasn't so predictable is the news that you've taken
up with the old widower down the road from you. I hear you're at his
place all of the time.
But you claimed none of his neighbors like him.
I noticed that he can't mention this "widower's" name, too.
You noticed that I *didn't* mention the widowers name. Why is his name
important here? Do you want to see it besmirched along with your own
infamous moniker?
In other words, you have no name to provide. You are a liar.
You've drawn an erroneous conclusion. How dumb are you, UnWiseman?
Then name him.
For what reason? I might be willing to do it, as soon as you are able
to confirm your employment. Quid pro quo, UnWiseman.
I'm told that you don't have a job so you have
Prove Roger dioesn't have a job.
plenty of time to hang out with the old timer. Does he know about your
double life on the internet? Is he your invisible friend?
You claimed he has no frioends and his neighbors didn't like him. Looks
like you lied again. I hear you've been sucking Norm Stenger under his
desk you hang out under there all the time, so you can hide behind him
when your ex-streeetwalker wife isd at the mall. She turns tricks
during her lunch break in the mall's public restrooms.
Wow! You laugh at something you wrote?
No, laughing at you, since can't provide the name of the "widower."
I didn't provide it. What is its significance? How would it make you
look any better or worse?
In other words, you are lying.
There aren't any "other words", nutball. I meant precisely the words I
used. Deal with it.
You're getting desperate.
You'll have to share that with the rest of your personalities.
You mean you don't want your lie about somebody to come bite you in
your fat ass in Circuit court?
You're full of manure, UnWiseman. There's not a chance in hell that
you'll ever concoct anything which will land me in any court.
Oh, just like there's no chance that a trespassing complaint wan't
filed against you and your ex-streetwalker wife with Glen Dale?
Yeah, *just* like that.
Name his name, I'll bet he has you in court for libel.
A kindly old widower would have me in court for what libel--that he is a
kindly old widower? You're absurd.
If you want to test your libel theory, try this one on:
Roger Wiseman of Glen Dale, West Virginia is mentally deficient.
There, now see what you can do with that.
Now run and hide under the baseboard, little cockroach, before somebody
stomps you.
It wouldn't ever be you to do that...
You continue to underestimate people, UnWiseman. have to hide behind your
ex-whore wife.
I don't have an "ex-whore wife", Roger. My wife is certainly capable of
stomping you though. You are extremely brave while posting filth
anonymously on the internet. As has been amply demonstrated, you a
cowardly humbug when confronted.
You belong in a mental institution where you can receive the treatment
you need. They'd keep you away from computers and the ham bands. That
way, you could do no harm to others and you could be safe from the
others that you've had dealings with.
You aren't well and you prove it daily.
Dave K8MN