Especially for AB8MQ
Roger Wiseman, masquerading as "Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
Roger Wiseman, posing as " wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
Roger Wiseman, posing as "Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
The possessed Megan character looks like your Finnish ex streetwalker
That'd be impossible. I don't have a Finnish ex-streetwalker wife.
Sure you do.
It is sure that I don't.
Sure it is, liar.
Sorry, Rog, your claim simply isn't true.
You met the fat ugly whore in Helsinki.
I met no whore, much less a fat and ugly one in Finland.
First you say you didn't meet her there, now you said you did.
You're incorrect again.
Her teel look like
they've been filed down...
I'm sorry, Rog. My wife has no "teel".
She doesn't have much left in the way of teeth, either.
I knew you were talking about some other woman. My wife has a full set
of teeth. Why are you interested in my wife's teeth, Roger?
Davey boy needed one like that since he lives from what I'm told is the
butt of many jokes in Marshall County, the Cameron area.
Study that photo of your palatial estate in that luxury subdivision out
Glen Dale Creek, Rog old boy. she looks like that dog that laps her
What dog is that? Do you believe that we have a dog with filed down teel?
No just one that laps your whore wife's vagina.
You believe that? Does that sort of thing arouse you? Does it get you hot?
These thoughts of yours about sex with animals, do they arouse you? It
that the sort of thing you think of often?
Looks like it is true your wife lets the dog service her.
Does thinking about such things get you excited? From reading your
newsgroup posts, I'd gather that you've entertained these thoughts for
nearly a decade at least.
At any rate, my wife didn't show up here posting Exorcist-like filth,
you did.
No, she's busy sucking off people in the mall's public restrooms.
Do you have these thoughts often? Are they symptomatic of your written
form of Tourette's Syndrome? Do these thoughts arouse you?
Hit a nerve, huh?
The nerve that I hit must have been yours. Care to respond to my
questions? Do you become aroused when you think such thoughts or type
them in a newsgroup post? Are such thoughts frequent?
be tough with you working as a flunky courier and all.
I am not now, nor have I ever been employed as a courier for anyone.
Sure you are.
There is no evidence to support your statement.
Or did you get fired already.
I've been retired for nearly six years, UnWiseman.
Are you employed?
I don't believe you, Roger.
As I expected, you didn't show up for the ARES meeting.
He's not a meber of that organization, why would he show up, stupid?
I see.
Nope, your head is up your fat ass. Wiseman isn't on the "membership
rolls." What are "membership roles?" Is that what you and the leader do
back in the van?
The leader? Do you mean the Fearless Leader?
Got that name of the "widower" yet?
I've had it all along.
What are "membership roles," hmmm?
That's where Roger Wiseman joins Marshall County ARES, never returns
after his initial meeting and now pretends to have not been a member.
Do you like to think about people doing things in the back of a van,
No, I have done things with women in the back of a van though.
Did her screams bring assistance? Were you forced to release her and
run for your life?
Unlike a
square like you who longs for the opressive 1950's.
It's "oppressive", Rog. I don't recall sharing my memories of the
fifties with you at any point.
Paranoid much?
He most certainly is!
Did anyone ever lock you up somewhere and do things to you?
You sound like an expert, since you are the son of a priest.
....and when they called you a "cute little *******" during your
childhood, it wasn't just a figure of speech.
Did you see something as a child which you weren't supposed to see?
You saw something from your molesting preist daddy, huh?
There go the evil voices in your head again, Rog. My father never
molested me or anyone else.
Did you experience something awful in your youth? Did someone do things
to you which no child should have to experience? Is that where all your
filth comes from? Is that where you get your sexual ideas about the
spouses, parents, children and pets of others?
What wasn't so predictable is the news that you've taken
up with the old widower down the road from you. I hear you're at his
place all of the time.
But you claimed none of his neighbors like him.
He isn't a near neighbor at all. He's an old fellow who lives
considerly up the road to the north. He doesn't know what you are yet.
He doesn't exist, since you can't provide his name.
You are a liar.
Heh. I suppose I lied about taking photos of your cracker box.
Says the **** who wishes the coal company would by his hovel before it
falls into an old mine so he can move to southern WV and attend those
churches with the rattlesnakes in the worship service.
Except for the parts where I live in a hovel, have any old mines under
my home or where I have any desire to attend a church service involving
snakes, you're doing pretty well. You should wish for a coal mine.
Perhaps I lied about visiting your house.
So you admit to stalking him.
I did? That's funny, I don't recall doing that.
Sure, Roger, the old gent exists. Two
people confirmed that he exists and provided a name and the location of
his home.
Yet, you still can't name him......or his location.
Sure, I can.
Name him, I'd love to pass along your posts saying a relationship
exists when it doesn't.
I'm told that you don't have a job so you have
Prove Roger dioesn't have a job.
In the study of logic,
Which you never could do, since you are just a ex-State dept. flunky.
The fact is you spend more time online than Morkie does.
Naw, Rog, the State Department has no "flunky" job descriptions.
Sure they do...
Go ahead, Rog. Point out the url. Direct us to some piece of evidence
supporting your peculiar claim.
...and with your entry level "position" you were sent to the
absolute ******** assignments.
One could assume that my first posting was "entry level". That was to
Helsinki--hardly a "******** assignment". My second and all subsequent
postings were all in supervisory positions. Deal with it.
I'm retarded I can spend as much time online as I choose.
You certainly are.
No, I certainly do. What's it to you?
Yet you, with
your unproven employment, seem to have much more time to post and hang
out with your new elderly pal.
What new elderly pal?
Haven't you been reading along?
What unproven employment? You need to learn to
read the times on the headers, dumbass.
And that would demonstrate exactly what, nutball?
Prove that you have a job. Prove that you aren't on Disability Social
Prove he doesn't.
It is impossible to prove a negative. I've already shared that with
you. Please pay attention, nutball.
Prove he is on SSI.
You have to receive an income from some source, Rog. Since you don't
You can't name this "elderly
Yes, I could name him. I'm not about to drag his name through your mud.
"You said Roger has no friends and his neighbors don't like
him. Looks like you lied again.
He isn't a near neighbor, Rog. I will go on record as saying, "Roger
Wiseman--To know him is to loathe him".
plenty of time to hang out with the old timer. Does he know about your
double life on the internet? Is he your invisible friend?
You claimed he has no friends and his neighbors didn't like him. Looks
like you lied again. I hear you've been sucking Norm Stenger under his
desk you hang out under there all the time, so you can hide behind him
when your ex-streeetwalker wife isd at the mall. She turns tricks
during her lunch break in the mall's public restrooms.
No, I claimed that he had no friends.
Then how could he be "friends" with a non-existent "widower" that is
all in yourt tiny little mind?
Well, Rog, I suppose lies
Your snippage says it all.
You were lying, then.
You've lied throughout your life. Now you hide while doing so. You
have to hide.
I hear you have homosexual relations
with a certain ham who lives up that road in a trailer.
You do?
Sure you do.
Sure I do what?
When Bertie isn't available.
That's an incomplete sentence. You get an "F".
Too bad you missed the ARES meeting, Rog. I was so looking forward to a
long chat with you. (posturing and bull****)
Who did you bring along to hide behind?
If you'd have attended, you'd have known if there was anyone with me.
You 'd never run into Roger...
At least that's what you are hoping, nutball.'d have to bring somebody else along. You wouldn't ever face him
alone, let alone doing something to him if you find him out alone.
There's an easy way to test your theory. Name a place and set a time.
You and I can have a frank and open exchange of views.
talk about underestimating people, you just did, hypocrite.
If anything, I overestimated you, Rog. Your much less rational than I'd
previously believed.
Now go whine to a certain "solicitor" (could this be the "old
widower?") who has two DUI convictions (as reported in the Moundsville
Echo and spent a 6 month home confinement on the last one) who
shouldn't even be practicing law. I wonder if the Lawyer board in
Charleston, WV who takes complaints on ethics knows?
I'll leave you now, UnWiseman, as your rant has taken a peculiar turn
toward the bizarre. I haven't the slightest idea what the above is
supposed to represent.
I'm beginning to notice that your frothing and ranting seems to take on
a frantic tone when it coincides with a full moon. Have you looked out
at the night sky in the past two evenings?
Dave K8MN