Sheellah wrote:
I'm trying to get the Coast to Coast show, but because I'm in a highrise
surrounded by concrete, I get no AM reception. I just get static and a hum. Can
an antenna be hooked up to the radio that would end outside my window to pick
up the signal? There is also a building on one side, but it is clear for quite
a bit outside my window. Can anyone please help? Please also e-mail, if kind
enough to respond. Thanks!
I have one of these and they GREATLY improve AM reception. Just beware,
if you are in a high noise area, it will increase the noise level also.
These devices are very simple to use. Just tune your AM radio to the
station you wish to listen to, set the Select-a-Tenna next to it, and
tune the Select-a-tenna until you get the best reception. You do not
need to hook the Select-a-tenna to the radio and it does not need any
batteries or electrical hookup, or any further adjustment, unless you
change the radio station.
More people died at Chappaquiddick than have been killed by my guns.