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Old October 12th 03, 07:36 PM
Carl R. Stevenson
Posts: n/a

"Dee D. Flint" wrote in message

"Ryan, KC8PMX" wrote in message
Just found out today listening to a local, reputable radio station that

Saginaw and Midland Counties in Michigan are going to be "test sites"

BPL, at least for Michigan. I don't know when it will be an actual

as opposed to being in the planning stages, but will keep current with


Midland, Michigan

Go to the sites. Check out the interference. If it's as bad as they say,
write the local commercial radio stations to say they are being interfered
with, write your congressman, and write the FCC.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

Ryan, et al, PLEASE coordinate with Ed Hare, ... and don't
"write/contact your local commercial radio stations" UNLESS they ACTUALLY
ARE being interfered with AND you are ABSOLUTELY SURE it's BPL.

It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that any reports/complaints of "BPL interference"
are REALLY BPL ... the amateur community is being accused by BPL proponents
of "exaggerating the problem (so the ARRL can raise money ... which is
absurd ...
if there weren't a threat they wouldn't HAVE to raise money to defend
against it ...).

We CANNOT AFFORD to miss-identify other sources of interference as "BPL"
or we just lend credence to the BPL folks' claim that we're "crying wolf."

I cannot overemphasize the importance of these points.

Carl - wk3c