Hi Andy,
Not a problem as long as you keep your power leads as short in length as possible.
If you have time you could run a pair of #6 fused from the battery into the car by
following the hood release cable. That is what I did for my 1998 sable and truck.
The anderson powerpoles are great connectors.
Here is a link for you
http://www.eham.net is a great site for info and lots of elmers to help.
73 jimbo
VHFRadioBuff wrote:
Hello all. My car has a seperate "accessory" port from the standard cigarette
lighter. My understanding is that this port is actually rated for more amps
than the cigarette lighter and might actually be ok to power my 50 watt 2m
mobile if I were to add a cigarette lighter plug to the end of it.
Can anyone comment on this? Any experience using these accessory ports to power
50 watt radios? The car in question is a 2000 Mercury Sable.
73! de Andy KC2SSB - WPYI880 (GMRS)
Beachwood, NJ USA! Grid FM29vw