You're not a real ham if you want the ARS to sound like CB. It already does around here mostly silent
Al Klein wrote:
On 12 Aug 2006 09:57:19 -0700, "an old friend"
it is not a sign sign of any superior knowledge to know that is a
particular circut is Collpitts or hartley ocilator
It's a sign of having learned it.
a sign of havigng learned something of NO value
no can that
difference by learned in any way other than memorization
You still don't understand the difference between memorizing facts and
memorizing answers.
at pesent their is no different when I learn the text of the right
answer to a given I leraned the answer to that question
there is no difference, none at all,
for some of the materail the only rational way of approuching it is
memorization, for other section you can learn some part of the
underlying theroy and use it but short of the Full course of Eltromatic
Theroy I hadin colledge you don't learn much
can you describe and USE Maxwell's equation? I can I found the
knowledge very helpfull on the rf safety question in the pools,
butstill useless without memorizing certain facts that have set as
arbitary level in the regs
the fact I need to an rf eval at at 51 watts on 2m is not something I
can know from guasses equation although guass' law allow me to easily
undertsand theprocess of doing the eval