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Old August 13th 06, 05:08 PM posted to,,,
an old friend an old friend is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 954
Default You're not a real ham if you want the ARS to sound like CB. It already does around here mostly silent

Jack Ricci wrote:
I agree with the Morse Code ( or whatever exotic name it has evolved to
in modern day ) as still being useful. I think morse code is a lot of fun,
and very much a part of the ham hobby's old-time, nostalgic glamour. I see
no harm in making it part of a ham's testing and licensing requirement. I
feel that it is definitely useful, and provides communicants with an
international second language to deal with in emergencies.

if it were not treated as a go or nogo element I might be persauded to
agree with you

that isn't the case

indeed if the usa had adopted years something Canada is doing now I
would lay good money that NCI would never have existed

I do not think the newer hams are idiots for wanting to do away with
code, but I think they are missing out on a piece of irreplaceable history
that is so easy to maintain and cherish forever.
Viva le ham.


"cmdr buzz corey" wrote in message

Al Klein wrote:
On 10 Aug 2006 22:12:58 -0700, "cmdr buzz corey"

an old friend wrote:

I am honest. I don't think CW has ANY value in todays world.

Kinda like you.

Except that code was useful once.

And still more useful today than an old idiot is.