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Old October 1st 03, 06:09 AM
Ryan, KC8PMX
Posts: n/a

If it is indeed an accesory port as opposed to the actual dash cigarette
lighter socket, possibly checking the actual wiring to the socket might give
an idea as to the capabilities. Also, contacting the manufacturer of said
vehicle could also help.

In general, the concept of the cigarette lighter plug is not a bad idea,
PROVIDED that the wiring from the device requiring power and the wiring to
the socket itself is more than adequate. For 12v related applications, it
is too bad that this is not utlized more. Again, for those who want to
read differently into this, I am saying the concept is a good idea, but
current manufacture of such sockets are less than to be desired.

My next truck, I am going to wire quite a few of them in there, with
adequate wiring, at least for the stuff requiring 15amps or less, with the
source for those sockets coming from the battery direct.

Ryan, KC8PMX
FF1-FF2-MFR-(pending NREMT-B!)
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... --. .... - . .-. ...
"VHFRadioBuff" wrote in message
Thanks for the replies. I'm really trying avoid hooking the radio up to

battery. I've got it hooked up to the battery in my other car right now,

will be switching over to the Sable soon. I'll have to check the owner's

to see if it says what the amp rating is for the Sable.
73! de Andy KC2SSB - WPYI880 (GMRS)
Beachwood, NJ USA! Grid FM29vw