cease and desist
an old friend wrote:
Lloyd wrote:
I should ask YOU that question, since Google records that you did
make that statement.
googles ecords show as you yourself proved I said no such thing to
secert woger
In message .com,
Mark Morgan autolamed himself when he said to Secwet Woger, "you arer
[sic] everywhere like a cockroach"\
didnot say that as stateted
In message . com,
Mark Morgan autolamed himself when he asked "why do you need yet
another sock puppet"
I did say that but what is your point? why did wismen need yet another
sock puppet to harrass the NG?
it is a valid question
in my opinion "an old friend" is his worst enemy.it appeas he goes
outof his way to stir things up. we all know dam well he can't sue
anyone on usenet.............just more fuel for the flames!