Poking More Holes In Morkie's Mularkie: Jack Ricci, Take Note
an old friend wrote:
Jack Ricci wrote:
I have a question for " an old friend ".
I noticed that you have a difficult time with writing the English
language, with regards to spelling and grammar, etc, but you do try to get
the thought across....(SNIP)
The thought he get's across is that he's incompetent and arrogant.
Dyslexia has nothing to do with it.
I have a dyslexic daughter with the same problem, and
her teachers in grade school used to flunk her thinking she did not know
answers to the test questions, when actually, she really did know and
understand, but was afraid to write them out because of her dyslexia and the
resultant laughter and snickering that followed. When we all caught on to
this finally, we demanded that she be tested aurally, where she was asked
the questions out loud, and responded verbally with the answers instead of
writing things out. This made a hell of a difference in assessing her
learning and understanding during her education in the early years. As her
father, I was hard on her because of the frustration she caused us at first
when we did not understand what was really happening, and I still feel
guilty about it to this day.
There was nothing for you to feel guilty about, Jack. Unless you
were a trained speech therapist or other childhood educational
clinician, how would you have known?
The fact of the matter is that you probably did her more good than
harm. Was it tough on her? No doubt. But that beats coddling her and
allowing her to use the "I'm a victim"" escape that so many
"affilicted" persons want to declare today.
The point is that she knows now, can get therapy for it, and is
strong enough to know that she can overcome this "problem" through
education, training and technology...Not to mention the love and
support of her father, of course!
I was diagnosed as Duslexic and am at a better occasion verbaly of
course I decided that I would not allow the mocking of the close minded
to stop me expressing myself when I choose
Your present problem, Mork, has nothing to do with any diagnosed
It has to do with your unwillingness to seek treatment and
correction of it.
There are copious fixes available yet you refuse to take advantage
of them.
THAT makes you an idiot...NOT "dyslexic".
Are you a native North American, or are you an immigrant?
intteresting I am a native american citizen but was in fact born abaord
with my folks working in the srvice of Uncle Sam
Many immigrants, including most Central Europeans, are the
recipients of a mandatory ESL, or "English as a Second Language"
When you did
your ham test, or any test, did the teachers/instructors make these
allowances or alternate testing methods for you also?
nothing but given the nature of my knowledge I needed none for the
written testing but the VE system bascial refuses any real accomadation
in making an effort at code testing
There's no accomodation for idiots, Mork.
You point out that you're better at audio testing, but you
simultaneously insist that you can't copy the code aurally.
in tests in Hs it got easier once my dyslexia was discovered amusingly
it result of the mangling I did in takeing code tests (one of the
tester was also a specail ed teacher and thought I might be dyslexic)
Uh huh....
Were they easy on you, or did they show frustration?
Depends on what?
How smart mouth and abusive you were on any given day?
Or how willing they were to absorb your abuse and do their best to
overcome the codependency you'd developed by coddling from parents who
didn't have the intestinal fortitude to tell you "no" when you demanded
Did they understand where you were coming from?
agian depends
You're wearing depends?
Why am I not surprised?
Did you have a pleasant attitude to deal with?
As pleasant as getting caught on the tracks as the 5:15 express
rolls through!
pleasent to a point but frankly to survie and do I wanted I have a
SERIOUS pugnaous streak of course
Serious selfish "me first screw you" is what you're trying to say?
the posters on here seem to work to bring that to the fore
No...the posters here are just too aware of what makes Mork Moron
the way he is...
I am not making fun of
you. This is a serious question. Thanks
in the arguement here frank it shows just what memorization can do Like
Tom cruise I can memorize vasts amounts of data ((I do some
professional acting)
A PROFESSIONAL ACTOR...?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
Jack, you've just fallen prey to the clutches of Mark C. Morgan,
better known in this forum as "Mork Moron"...Or if you'd care to, by
his nomme-de-guerre, LtCol Mark C. Morgan of the US Army Chemical
Or is it Sgt Mark Morgan of the "47th CSB (prov)"...?!?! We can't
tell. He admitted to lying about being a field grade officer in the
Army as he did about being drafted. Of course it didn't take a degree
in astrophysics to figure out that Mork was only SEVEN years old as the
last conscriptees in the United States were being mustered OUT, let
alone being inducted.
Nor does it take a rocket scientist to see through his current
rants about being in a unit that no one can find anywhere. Oh, to be
sure there are sound-alike, "almost the same" unit designators, however
Mork (nor anyone else for that matter....) cannot find any reference to
his "47th CSB (PROV)" that back up THIS tale. More likely and
plausible is the theory that he was a visitor to Ft Sill, OK at one
time and saw signs for real units, and then got confused when he
started his current round to tale-telling.
Markie's current rant is to try and pummel me over "trampling" the
memory of some Army NCO that passed away recently and whom Morkie
allegedly knew. Again it is more likely that this was a convienient
ruse for Morkie to claim he knew someone in this fictional unit of his,
only now the tale can't be verified.
Also, Mork is a great believer in recreational lying. As a matter
of fact, some posts made by him within the last couple of days record
his stating that his as-of-yet-to-be-born son will be thoroughly
trained in lying and encouraged to do so often.
Please...Don't take my word for it. Please take the time to
research some of Morkie's posts in this forum. They are nothing if not
a window into the mind of a very, VERY sick man. But be prepared to
have to do some amateur-detective work to find them all...To date
Morkie's posted under no fewer than 26 different "nics", or screen
names, that I have kept track of...I am sure there are more.
Good luck.
Steve, K4YZ