Morkie Expands His Paranoia To Multiple Threads of the Same Topic...His Lunacy And Megalomania
an old friend wrote:
I will resist it.
Resist what?
Being an idiot?
I dare say it's genetic. Looks like you may be stuck with it,
I am adivised I have legal right to do so, indeed should any news
provider be persauded to terminate my access i t would give me the one
thing my lawyer lacks to assure me of a postive result in litagation
against Robeson and other parties.
More Morkie Mularkie.
Robesonn can stopp his assualt anytime
Who is "Robesonn"...!??!
How does one "stopp" an "assualt"...?!?!
And what IS an "assualt"...?!?!
he can choose to leave or (I hope) he can choose to enage in discussion
of radio related issues on the NG
More of Morkie's megalomania wherein he presumes to have powers he
doesn't possess...such as presuming to tell me what my "options" are
about this forum.
Steve, K4YZ