You're not a real ham if you want the ARS to sound like CB.
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August 14th 06, 09:32 PM posted to,,,
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 31
You're not a real ham if you want the ARS to sound like CB.It already does around here mostly silent
WHO GIVE ****.
On Sun, 13 Aug 2006 23:32:19 -0400, Al Klein
On 12 Aug 2006 15:49:50 -0700, "an old friend"
Al Klein wrote:
On 12 Aug 2006 09:57:19 -0700, "an old friend"
it is not a sign sign of any superior knowledge to know that is a
particular circut is Collpitts or hartley ocilator
It's a sign of having learned it.
a sign of havigng learned something of NO value
No value to you - that doesn't matter very much to the other 6
billion+ people on the planet.
the knowledg is of no value to most of those people either
You still don't understand the difference between memorizing facts and
memorizing answers.
at pesent their is no different
To you - which was what I said.
to me and the FCC and reality
for some of the materail the only rational way of approuching it is
For some, yes. I'm referring to those who use the method for all the
answers - people like you.
as it happens I did not
I ordereda copy of the tech mnaul but it did not arive before the test
so I took it and passed based on what was in my headabout rf and
working the rules question mostly from the notion just which of these
answers sounds like the work of a real "crat
, for other section you can learn some part of the
underlying theroy and use it but short of the Full course of Eltromatic
Theroy I hadin colledge you don't learn much
I doubt you learned much in college either.
perhaps not perhaps so that is another matter
and one clearly without profit to go into
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