Using car accessory ports to power radios?
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October 3rd 03, 12:31 AM
Posts: n/a
On 02 Oct 2003 13:50:28 GMT,
pamme (VHFRadioBuff)
I was responding to Andy KC2SSB who said, and I quote, "My next truck,
I am going to wire quite a few of them in there, with adequate wiring,
at least for the stuff requiring 15amps or less, with the source for
those sockets coming from the battery direct."
You weren't replying to ME (KC2SSB), you were replying to someone else.
73! de Andy KC2SSB - WPYI880 (GMRS)
Beachwood, NJ USA! Grid FM29vw
You are right. It was Ryan KC8PMX that I was responding to. My point
was that I was NOT responding to your question. Just a little mix up
in names. Sorry.
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