You're not a real ham if you want the ARS to sound like CB.
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August 15th 06, 02:26 PM posted to,,,
Al Klein
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 997
You're not a real ham if you want the ARS to sound like CB. It already does around here mostly silent
On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 21:38:03 -0400,
On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 21:14:47 -0400, Al Klein
On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 16:37:50 -0400,
you have heard from the appointed legel representives and you did not
listen to them either
Oh? I didn't know that we legally appointed "representatives" to tell
us what people think. Who, pray tell, are these telepathic
never said anything about their being telpaths but I was refering to
the FCC
The FCC doesn't tell us what the people think, it tells us what the
FCC thinks.
but indeed enlight me
what value is derived from the knowledge that an occiclaotr is
colpitss type or hartley
Plenty of value to those who have to work with oscillators of various
types. It's difficult to design a circuit when you have no
understanding of it.
nknowing the name and undertsnading the circut are 2 different things
Since you know neither, it's a distinction without a difference for
why should I care if my vfo is a colpiitts or hartley occilator as
long as it ocilates at the right freq?
Oh, maybe you'd care to know why it's microphonic? Or what to look
for if it starts doing something wrong? Different circuits are prone
to different problems.
your personal attack only show the wekness of your arguement
And yours doesn't, I suppose.
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Al Klein
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