Inquiring Minds Want to Know.....
K4YZ wrote:.
an old friend babbles incessantly with:
K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
Robeson does ask some strange questions
Only "strange" to someone with three college degrees that can't
write one paragraph on a webpage without looking completely idiotic.
why does Robeson think qrzis broke?
What is "qrzis"...?!?!
If you meant "qrz is"'re closer.
And I don't think QRZ is broke, Morkie.
you are adivised to cesust and desit you libel/slander and violations
of copyright law
I am "adivised" to "cesust" and "desit"...?!?!?!
YOU are advised to seek the services of a second grade English
composition tutor, fatboy! And don't forget the lawyer who can sue
mommy and daddy for you for having raised you as an idiot.
Why won't Morkie fix his problems?
Why does Morkie LIKE looking like an idiot?
Why does Morkie LIKE acting the part of "victim" all the time?
Why can't Morkie see that his patholological lying ALWAYS
backfires on him?
Steve, K4YZ