N9OGL wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
In the past you've stated that I'm violating federal law and again and I emphasis how.
Yes, you DO emphasis how you break it...By pasting your bogus
broadcast station notes all over USENET. No one (excpet Morkie and
he's already an admitted liar) beleives you...least of all me.
Their not bogus station steve, I have recieved a number of request via
regular mail for QSL Cards, the station IS on the air 24/7 and I have
had people from as far away as Canada hear it running a power output of
50 to 100 watts
Sure they are. Do you have a broadcast license?
I know you need once since your station is undoubtedly running
more than Part 15 limits.
In the future if
you accuse someone of breaking the law I urge you to be able to back it
up. I think we have run this subject into the ground.
You're darned right it's run into the ground...but you keep
popping up with newer and more inane ways of demonstrating your
foolishness, Toiddie.
Foolishness?? in what way steve, I mearly announced the station was on
the air so people can hear it...
"...in what way, Steve?"...
Punctuation, Collegeboy.
How are they going to hear it if it's running Part 15 limits
unless they live within a mile of you, Toiddie?
their's no law against that. As a
matter of fact those people that had mail me for QSL request heard
about the station on here or the Free Radio Network. The only
foolishness on here is your stupidity
No...YOUR stupidity.
I doubt anyone heard anything you put on the air, Toiddie.
BTW...Got a legit "N" Number on that illegally modified ultralight
of yours yet? Finsih that "Sport Pilot" license, or just hoping the
feds don't card you one Sunday afternoon?
There nothing illegal about it steve, I own a high max ultralight. Hi
Max can be made into ultralight. Despite what YOU might think, And No,
I've moved that aside for my education I'm hoping to get back ito it
next year steve, thanks for your concern.
There's no convern, Toiddie, except you you illegally modifying an
ultralight as per Part 103.
And yes, Toiddie...A 10 gallon fuel tank on an ultralight IS
Part 103 of the FAR's refers.
Steve let be the
first one to say, you have the right to opinion and I repect that
right. But for you to come on here and to quote a violations of the
law and not being able to back it up and are confronted with it, then
you should say it is your opinion, and not the law.
I've cited chapter and paragraph on NUMEROUS of your violations,
Toiddie. In Part 97 of the FCC's rules and regulations AND Part
103 of the FAA's rules and regulations.
Citing it and understanding it is too different things steve.
"...is twe different things..."
Just like your use of English words and the CORRECT use of
English words, Toiddie.
I understand them perfectly well.
There is NO exception to the use of your HiMax as an ultralight
under Part 103 as you have modified it.
Beside my
radio station isn't under Part 97, it's under Part 15. Maybe you should
leave Law to someone who know it and don't put their personal opinions
into it claim it's Law Steve.
I didn't mention Part 97 ANYWHERE in these exchages vis-a-vis your
current "broadcast station", Toiddie.
See...Your English USE and English COMPREHENSION are NOT one in
the same!
I think you know what I'm talking about Steve.
I think YOU know what I am talking about, Toiddie
I would like to take this time and give
thanks to all the postive feed back on this, the only real negative
feedback is from Steve
Negative in that there's not been any evidence to support your
claim of legal operation, Toiddie.
If you want steve, I'll be happy to scan the QSL card request into my
computer and post them on my blog.
Sure. Go ahead.
And I will scan the pictures of me and Jennifer Lopez on our recent
Greek Med Cruise.
I am sure each has it's own degree of fantasy.
There is also a podcast
http://www.piratearchive.net/pirateweek/pw080606.mp3 which has part of
my transmission on it and he does metion my name and callsign. If you
want more proof then that steve well, that's all I can give you right
You mean that's all you can manufacture in this amount of time, no
You've already claimed "pirate" status on other occassions, and I
have no doubt that "Omega One" is ANYTHING but LEGAL!
Not true Steve, the station IS legal and you and the FCC is more then
welcome to come check the field strength at 30 meter (98/99 feet) from
the antenna and you will see I'm in compliance with part 15
OkiDokie. I'll jump right on that.
Steve, K4YZ