Old quartz crystals
I want to know the name of the form factor of some old quartz crystals, used
in many receivers as 100KHz marker as well in many transmitters as frequency
They are similar in all respect to the small plug-in quartz used in
transistor based oscillators, used also these days in the solder-mount
thin-pin version, but are more or less double length, height and width.
The 100KHz version is also again double tall.
I have not one here for giving more precise measures, but I'm sure everyone
understand what I'm writing about... it has to be a standard because I have
a quartz tester with the two sockets: for the big and for the small...
Also, how to name and where to buy the jacks matching a 7-pin miniature tube
socket? It's in use as the accessory port of the FT-220 yaesu.
And how about the 11 pin (not miniature) version, accessory port of the
.... Andrea Baldoni, 2002: messaggio non protetto da copyright.