hello phil
thank you for your reply ,but I did build it already,using the schematic out
of the S40 manual
It is only that I want to complete my hallicrafers collection that I want an
origional meter
I dont think I will really use this receiver,because I have a number of
hallicrafters,such as the SX 42 who is far better
I did see the SM 40 some time ago on ebay ,I wait till it comes along again
thanks again
"Phil Nelson" schreef in bericht
If you can't find the real thing (I have never seen one in the flesh),
this article includes the Hallicrafters service bulletin describing how to
build an S-meter for the S-40, et. al., along with other info about
building your own.
Alternatively, this article describes how you can build a "magic eye"
meter for a Hallicrafters receiver (in this case, the S-20R).
Have fun!
Phil Nelson
Phil's Old Radios