LM13-need help-tube filament trouble
Bill Kehm wrote:
Just a wild thought, the oil in a capacitor *is* a dilectric, and if the
socket/s are contaminated with it it might prevent contact if the fit
was the least bit loose. Sounda bizarre but try cleaning the sockets
with solvent and a pipe cleaner. Might just work! I would use Toluene.
Thanks Bill, I will try the solvent idea.
I can use ANY ideas from any LM series owner whose LM uses type 76,
77, and 6A7 tubes. I am baffled why the tube pins insert so little into
the socket contacts. Have the socket contacts lost their spring action?
Can I GENTLY readjust my socket contacts?
Do type 76,77, and 6A7 tubes in LM series units really insert pins so
there is only a slight KISS contact at the pin's tip, no real deeper
insertion with good wiping?
Thanks for any suggestions, hints, etc to improve contact between tube
pins and tube sockets. Contacting me by direct email is sure OK. 73,
Thanks, W6MIK, Dave