"Dan/W4NTI" w4nti@get rid of this mindspring.com wrote in message
And let us not even broach the subject of 'splatter' caused by overdriving
and the resulting distortion.
The few OM knowing the problem and how to solve it, have not speak yet about
distorsion of any kind.
They compared the TS570D with a TS440S that give well all its 100W in SSB.
The second produce not QRM at all and work really fine (over 290 DXCC in
about 4 years without the slightest comment about a bad modulation, QRM or
In all cases if there is any risk to blow out a component or to create QRM
or anything else, then indeed I don't really see the advantage of this
modification. But this is too early to conclude and give an opinion.
I am waiting the full explanation about this mod and about its
"side-effects". If you are interested in I will post another message as soon
as I get it.
"Ed G." wrote in message
. ..
Question for Thierry: Can I assume you have a "Peak" reading
wattmeter? Otherwise, you are aware, I hope, that most wattmeters are
"average" power reading and that they can not display the peak readings
a SSB transmitted signal.... thus they will never display close to the
100watts of a 100watt rated SSB signal; unless you are modulating the
transmitter with a test tone audio source.