Staggytits Lee whined:
On 15 Aug 2006 17:08:18 -0700, Secwet Woger wrote:
Hi Davey! How's that ex-streetwealker wife of yours?
: As usual, Saggytits cut and pastes from another website and adds a few
: of his own words so it appears he knows what the **** he is talking
: about.
If you know what you are talking "aboiut,"
You mean like how you said one "operates" a dictionary instead of
"using" one?
Saggytits Lee steps on his own tiny dick when he tried to correct
somebody else's English use first by saying one "operates" a dictionary
instead of reading it, then uses "things" instead of "thinks" in
"Translation: Woger can't figure out how to operate a dictionary, let
alone correct someone else's language.But that's not surprising from
who things that..."
"Who things that?"
you should be able to prove
what you just said. But, of course, you can't.
Sure he could, Davey. You cut and paste from other websites and add a
few words do it looks like you know what the **** you are talking
about. You've been caught doing that before. Like the time you tried to
pass off an Alabama ARES website for the one in Wiseman's area.
: This calculation ignores line losses and final amplifier inefficiencies,
: but there's no way in Glendale you can convince me that you can take a
: 100 watt transmitter and manage to lose so much power that you have
: seven milliwatts or less being radiated.
: BWHAHAHAHA Says the know-nothing moron who claimed an Alabama ARES
: website was the one for Wiseman's West Virginia local ARES.
Grasp onto that desperately, Woger,
You want to grasp onto Roger's "woger," we all can see that fatass.
Tell us why you hide behind that fictitious negro name, fatass. Is it
because you desperately want to find your real father, who is of that
Subject: Get on the Marshall County ARES webpage......
Date: 3 Jul 2002 22:03:46 GMT
From: (Stagger Lee)
Organization: Houston's least reliable ISP
On Wed, 3 Jul 2002 14:18:35 -0400, AB8MQ wrote:
: "Bob" wrote in message
: ...
: and send them some of Rogers filth. I'm sure they would love it.
: Dumb****, the Marshall County ARES doesn't have a webpage, try again,
Then what is at doodle brain?
It sure looks like the Marshall County ARES, and it even has a place
to send email.