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  #53   Report Post  
Old October 5th 03, 09:16 PM
Posts: n/a

I talked to a friend of mine who until recently was service manager at
a Lincoln-Mercury dealer. His wife currently has a 2000 Sable. He
said the outlet is fused for 15-amps, and apparently feeds from a
distribution panel fused for 20-amps. I would think you would be OK
with a 50-watt radio as long as you don't put anything else on the

Dick - W6CCD

On 30 Sep 2003 13:15:38 GMT, pamme (VHFRadioBuff)

Hello all. My car has a seperate "accessory" port from the standard cigarette
lighter. My understanding is that this port is actually rated for more amps
than the cigarette lighter and might actually be ok to power my 50 watt 2m
mobile if I were to add a cigarette lighter plug to the end of it.

Can anyone comment on this? Any experience using these accessory ports to power
50 watt radios? The car in question is a 2000 Mercury Sable.
73! de Andy KC2SSB - WPYI880 (GMRS)
Beachwood, NJ USA! Grid FM29vw